The Real (Sylvester) McCoy – A Seasonal Introduction
Old Doctor Who’s attempts, to chronicle every episode of Doctor Who – is finally bearing fruit.
Apart from a scattering of reviews – on each Doctor’s review page, we have now completed all of the Seventh Doctor – Sylvester McCoy’s run; as the Timelord.
McCoy’s Who – felt, at least renewed – of purpose, somewhat. After the personnel changes behind the scenes. McCoy’s era can at least be commended, for re-focusing the show; after the up-and-down Baker years.
Featuring a mixed bag of downright terrible – and instant classics. Season’s 24, 25 & 26; are perhaps among the most varied, in tone.

Instant classics, such as The Curse of Fenric – 1989, Silver Nemesis – 1988, Remembrance of the Daleks – 1988 and The Greatest Show In the Galaxy – 1988. Were interspersed with absolute howlers such as; The Happiness Patrol – 1988, Paradise Towers – 1987, Ghost Light – 1989 and Delta And the Bannermen – 1987.

McCoy’s reign got off to a problematic start l, with Time And the Rani – 1987. As the episode was penned before his appointment. The final result, although guilty of not showcasing the new Doctor adequately – was average and reasonable in its self. Thanks to a spirited reprise – by Kate O’Mara’s – the Rani.

Talking of average but reasonable; Dragonfire – 1987 and Battlefield – 1989 both held the middle ground. As promising stories, with good ideas; which only really fell down slightly – in the final execution.
Final story, Survival – 1989 shares its own pinnacle of awfulness. Completely unworthy of the monicker of “last original series Who – ever”. It was a low note to go out on, especially after the excellent – The Curse of Fenric – 1989.

McCoy’s era, also sported the two extremes of companionship; the annoying twittering Mel – and the much more likeable Ace. Ace was given (what no other companion to date had been given before), a complete backstory. Intertwined, or covered – around many of the episodes.
McCoy himself, began his protrayal as a juggling buffoon (in the Troughton mould) but by the beginning of showcase season 25, began to withdraw – into a much darker, introverted and moody character (more akin to early season Tom Baker).
This is probably, best summed up by his cold and calculating destruction of planet Skaro in Remembrance of the Daleks.
The writers also spent more time, on the Doctor’s backstory. Fleshing out and re-imagining some of the Doctor’s past. Especially his relationship to the founding of Time Lord society.
Love or hate McCoy’s era, at least it was memorable.
You can find out more on each episode below :
Season Twenty-Four – 1987
Time And the Rani🔵🔵🔵⚪⚪
Paradise Towers🔵🔵🔵⚪⚪
Delta And the Bannermen🔵🔵⚪⚪⚪
Season Twenty-Five – 1988
Remembrance of the Daleks⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Happiness Patrol🔵⚪⚪⚪⚪
Silver Nemesis⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Greatest Show In the Galaxy⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Season Twenty-Six – 1989
Ghost Light🔵🔵🔵⚪⚪
The Curse of Fenric⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐