Origin : Earth
Companion reign – 1984 – 86
“I never saw anyone, [The Sixth Doctor] love himself so much – for less reason!”
Who’s 80’s pin-up girl…..
Perpugillium “Peri” Brown (Nicola Bryant) was an American student, who travelled all over the world, with her stepfather.
She was the Doctor Who’s 80’s pin-up girl – and her inclusion in the programme, was a nod to red blooded male fans, everywhere. She also looked rather fetching – in a swimsuit.
Peri was a young, slightly naive – but nonetheless caring and spirited girl; who travelled with the Fifth and Sixth Doctors. Peri also had markedly differing relationships – with each incarnation.
It was on the island of Lanzarote, in Planet Of Fire – 1984 that she first met Turlough, who saved her from an unfortunate near drowning incident and brought her back to the Tardis, unconciousness – to recover.
She then met the Fifth Doctor and – unfortunately for Peri, a rather small Master, who was back and only three feet tall; due to some experimentation with his tissue compactor, which had gone horribly wrong.
She was hypnotised by the Master, into helping him with his dastardly plan; which involved destroying the planet Trion – to harness the recruperative abilities of Numaton gas – to return the Master’s to his normal stature.
Peri was also harrassed by the Master’s ally, a shape-changing robot; called Kamelion. Kamelion appeared to Peri in the form of her stepfather – and the Master.
“It’s funny, but just before I met you I was saying I wanted to travel, and I’ve still got three months of my vacation left!” Peri – Planet Of Fire
After Turlough left, Peri became the main companion of the Fifth Doctor. They travelled to Androzani, in Caves Of Androzani – 1984; where Peri and the Doctor accidentally contracted Spectrox poisoning; and the unwanted attentions of potential suitor – Sharaz Jek.

The Fifth Doctor gave his regeneration (and nearly his whole life!) – to save Peri as there was not enough antidote left, for both of them – and Peri got the only dose.
Her relationship with the newly regenerated Sixth Doctor, was a strained affair – at best. Shortly after his regeneration (and suffering from post regenerative stress amd confusion), he attempted to strangle her to death.

Their arguing and bickering, detracted from the show; somewhat – and after a year’s sabbatical – and threat of cancellation. The writers toned down the arguments in the Season 23 story arc – Trial Of A Timelord – 1986.
This was to prove to be Peri’s exit from the show, during the events of Mindwarp- 1986. Peri was forced to undergo brain surgery and had her brain swapped with a slug-like alien anthropod, called Kiv.

These events were debatable though, as they were played back at the Sixth Doctor’s trial, on Gallifrey; via the Timelord Matrix. In due course, it was discovered that the Matrix had been tampered with, by the Doctor’s prosecutor; The Valeyard.
It turned out later, that in the real events – Peri hadn’t had brain surgery but had infact married Warrior King Yrcanos and settled with him, on his home planet.
Appearances :
Season Twenty One – 1984
Planet of Fire (joins)🔵🔵🔵🔵⚪
The Caves of Androzani⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Twin Dilemma🔵⚪⚪⚪⚪
Season Twenty-Two – 1984-85
Attack of the Cybermen🔵🔵🔵⚪⚪
Vengeance On Varos🔵🔵⚪⚪⚪
The Mark of the Rani🔵🔵🔵🔵⚪
The Two Doctors⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Revelation of the Daleks 🔵🔵🔵⚪⚪
Season Twenty-Three- 1986
The Trial of a Timelord:
The Mysterious Planet🔵⚪⚪⚪⚪
Mindwarp (leaves)🔵🔵🔵🔵⚪