Origin : Gallifrey
The meddle-some Master prototype…
The “Monk”, “Meddling Monk”, or “Time Meddler” (played by Peter Butterworth), as collectively known. Was a time traveller, assumed to be a fellow Time Lord from Gallifrey.
The Monk was in possession, of a more advanced and self-enhanced Type-40 Tardis; which was 50 years – more advanced than the Doctor’s own Tardis. Sporting a working Chameleon Circuit, which meant it could turn into different objects.
The monicker of ‘The Monk’, came from The Monk’s first appearance in The Time Meddler – 1965. As the Doctor discovered The Monk, hiding out in a Northumbrian monastry; dressed in a Monk’s cowl of the time-period.
The Monk had been increasing the progression of human development, for personnal gain; throughtout Earth’s history. When the Doctor met the Monk, the Monk was attempting to destroy the invading Viking fleet and change the outcome of the Battle Of Hastings.
In punishment for this tampering, the First Doctor tampered with The Monk’s Tardis controls; causing it to shrink beyond a usable size and the Meddler was (seemingly) trapped in 11th Century Northumberland; for a time.

Contary to popular belief, the Monk isn’t an [earlier] incarnation of The Master (although very much a prototype Master character in the show).
The Monk – whilst sharing some similar traits with The Master – including a desire to use time-travel for personal gain; was also very different; in that, the Monk was quite bumbling and clumsy – infact, almost comedic and not as inherently evil, as The Master.
The Monk, made a final appearance, in The Dalek’s Master Plan – 1965. Having repaired the damage to the Monk’s Tardis. The Monk then persued the Doctor through all time-and-space; before finallymeeting the Doctor again, on a volcano world.
The Monk tampered with the Doctor’s Tardis lock, attempting to strand the Doctor, in revenge. Following another meeting, in Egypt – 2000 BC. The Doctor stole the Directional control from the Monk’s own Tardis. This caused the Monk to crashland on an inhospitable ice world. Now unable to chase the Doctor accurately, through time-and-space – anymore.
The Meddler has not returned since – and is presumed to have continued randomly travelling. Eventually superseded in the Third Doctor’s reign, by a more evil version; – ‘The Master.
Appearances :
Season Two – 1965
The Time Meddler🔵🔵🔵🔵⚪