(Colin) Baker’s Badness – A Seasonal Introduction
We have now finished reviewing, all of Colin Baker – Sixth Doctor episodes; in the episodes section.
Colin Baker’s time, can be summed-up as; the era that could really have ‘been’. If it was not, for circumstances and forces outside of Baker’s and the show’s control; which conspired to sabotage everyone’s collective efforts.

For the most part, Baker was not given the material which was deserving of such a larger-than-life individual; who had such a unique take on the character.
The writing at times, was lazy and iffy, a badly misjudged post regeneration turn – in The Twin Dilemma – 1984 had the Doctor attempt to kill companion Peri – by strangulation.
Also, clouds were developing behind the scenes aswell. Key background personnel resigned – or moved on, budgets were cut further, episode format and transmitting times were tinkered with.

The Twin Dilemma – 1984, Attack of the Cybermen – 1985, Vengeance On Varos – 1985, Timelash – 1985 and The Mysterious Planet – 1986; failed to showcase Baker’s particular strengths in the role – and mostly felt like (more violent) cast-off Peter Davison adventures.

The Two Doctors – 1985 was a bizarre and flawed story (but with the magic of Patrick Troughton) stood out like a diamond-in-the-rough – along with Revelation of the Daleks – 1985
Season 22, was much criticised for the unforgiving violence – but at times, almost felt like Sixth era Who – was going to broach its own unique level of style. Davros having his fingers blasted off, the cannibal Shockeye and the acid-bath on Varos; particularly noted for being too extreme – for a childrens show.

Trial Of A Timelord – 1986, was a season of stories – intended to mirror the turmoil the real-life show was suffering, with BBC executives debating – on whether to pull the plug or not – for good.
It did introduce, a new villain into the proceedings – The Valeyard. A cleverly conceived and shadowy personification of the Doctor’s darker side, based on an abandoned idea – for The Delgado Master.

It was a brave attempt, to breath life into the series but ultimately wasn’t enough; to save the show. Producer JNT changed the ending of The Ultimate Foe – 1986 from a downbeat ending; which showed the Doctor – trapped in the Timelord Matrix. To an upbeat one; showing the Doctor continuing on with travelling. This was in fear that, the original ending would give Beeb execs – the excuse to cancel the show.
Just as Colin Baker – was the first actor to be cast in Doctor Who, after previously appearing as a different character. Baker was also the first actor – to be fired. At the end of season 23, more on that here.
What was your favourite Colin Baker epi?
Season Twenty-One – 1984
The Twin Dilemma🔵⚪⚪⚪⚪
Season Twenty-Two – 1984-85
Attack of the Cybermen🔵🔵🔵⚪⚪
Vengeance On Varos🔵🔵⚪⚪⚪
The Mark of the Rani🔵🔵🔵🔵⚪
The Two Doctors⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Revelation of the Daleks 🔵🔵🔵⚪⚪
Season Twenty-Three- 1986
The Trial of a Timelord:
The Mysterious Planet🔵⚪⚪⚪⚪
Terror of the Vervoids🔵🔵🔵🔵⚪
The Ultimate Foe🔵🔵🔵🔵⚪