Colin Baker Didn’t Make The Grade – So They Fired Him
Colin Baker’s era has always been mired in controversy. It was also the era, which provided a number of firsts in the show’s history – not least as Baker was sacked, from the role of the Sixth Doctor.
Having already appeared in Who, as another character; Maxil – (in the Fifth Doctor’s 1983 episode Arc Of Infinity) . Baker impressed producer JNT enough, to be given a shot at the role of the Sixth Incarnation of the Timelord.
It was with some intrepidation and excitement – in 1984, that Baker was unveiled to the public, as the Sixth Doctor. He was a bold choice for the Timelord, not least for his flamboyant look, his larger-than-life personality but also his eventual Doctor costume, which was about as ‘OTT’ – as was possible.

There were a number of problems with Baker’s era – on-and-off screen, which contributed to undermine his rather unique take on the role. Poor writing, lack of budget, listing changes, enforced hiatus’ and personnel changes. You can read more about that here. It also didn’t help that former Who producer Verity Lambert, was particularly scathing of 80’s Who, by unflatteringly labelling it; “irreverant pantomine”.
Step forward ‘Sci-Fi hating’ – (then) BBC controller and real-life Who villain; Michael Grade. Grade had, had his eye on the show for a while. He recalled later, that Who had been first brought to his attention; for that “horrible green pantomime cow” monster, in Peter Davison’s 1983 episode – Warriors Of The Deep.

It was during the televised showing of Baker’s first full season 22 – in February 1985; that Grade ordered the show to take a hiatus for the next 18 months. Which finally accumulated in season 23’s return with Trial Of A Timelord in September 1986. In an interview in 2004, Grade said:
“I thought it was horrible, awful. I thought it was so outdated. It was just a little show for a few pointy head Doctor Who fans. It was also very violent and it had lost its magic.” Michael Grade on Doctor Who.

Trial Of A Timelord wasn’t enough, to suggest the show had turned the corner – and upon Grade’s orders – once again; Who was given another chance but Baker was fired. Grade later commented that he thought Baker’s portrayal of the Doctor was – “utterly unlikeable; absolutely God-awful in fact!”
Baker offered to return, if they let him do the whole of season 24. Producer JNT countered this by offering Baker the chance to reprise the Doctor character one more time, in season 24’s opener Time And The Rani; where he would have regenerated – into Sylvester McCoy.

Baker refused and the episode was re-written, to include the now famous “not Colin Baker” regeneration scene opener, where incoming new Doctor; Sylvester McCoy – played both roles. Baker – as he explained later in a 1987 interview, with the Sun newspaper, said:
“[Michael] Grade didn’t want me to say I had been fired. My boss, Jonathan Powell, the Head of Series and Serials, said that the BBC would stand by any statement I made. He strongly suggested to me that I should claim to be leaving for personal reasons. They actually wanted me to come back and do four more episodes, just so I could be killed off and fit in with their plans! I told them what they could do with their offer!”. Colin Baker on Michael Grade
And that was the end of one of the most colourful era’s in the show. Baker reprised the role, one more time in the 1993 Children In Need sketch Dimensions In Time; and has since risen to new heights in Who lore – by becoming the undisputed king of the Who ‘Big Finish’ audio drama.
Despite not being invited to take part in the recent 50th anniversary celebrations. Baker still tours the Who circuit, records audio dramas and having appeared in the unofficial 50th anniversary episode The Five-ish Doctors.