From : Polymos
“Impossible! They’ve taken control! No-one can stop them now! Your precious little planet is finished!” The Master [Referring to the impending Nestene – Auton invasion of Earth]
Plastic Catastrophic!
The Nestene Consciousness, is one of the oldest known life-forms in the galaxy. It is an octopoid-like lifeform, of unknown appearance with tentacles; appearing fleetingly – in the third Doctor episode Spearhead From Space – 1970. The Nestene consciousness, travelled to Earth by hitching a ride – in a spherical plastic asteroid.
The Nestene itself, is pretty immobile as a creature, apart from being able to attack lifeforms; which get close enough with to its tentacles. It does however, possess an ability to affect this alien plastic (transported via meteorites). To bring it to life, and control it; via a hive-mind inference.
Having taken over a nearby toy factory (which was handy!). The Nestene was – along with some human-slaves, creating plastic humanoid lifeforms; as foot soldiers; dubbed the ‘Autons’ (after the toy factory’s name – ‘Auto Plastics’).
The Autons main manufactured appearance, was as shop-mannequins; which meant that they could hide in plain-sight in shop windows.
However, when the Nestene sends orders, the Autons come to life – and attempt to take over the Earth; by killing humans with their concealed built in flip-down vapourising hand-lasers.
The Third Doctor, was able to thwart the Autons by destroying the Nestene; which was controlling them. This ended contact with the Auton units and made them immobile.
The Autons returned, in Terror Of The Auton’s – 1971 being aided in a return Earth invasion attempt; by a first appearance of The Master (Roger Delgado). The Master, using one of the plastic spheres (in which the Nestene came to Earth in Spearhead From Space – 1970) to animate random plastic objects – to kill people.
The Autons use everything, from their usual Mannequin forms, (this time in the guise of a popular fictional Ice Cream character). To a telephone extension cord, which strangles the Doctor. A range of plastic daffodil’s which fire suffocating gas, a ‘Chuckie’-style doll; which kills – and a couch which envelopes and eats someone!
The Master, also attempts to use a deep-space satellite dish; to signal to the spacefaring Nestene Conciousness; which is controlling the new Auton attack.
The Doctor eventually manages to wrestle control of the satellite array, from the master. To push the Nestene Consciousness, forcibly into deep space and break contact, with the Autons on Earth.
The Autons – and the Nestene, only made two appearances in the show. They are still fondly remembered, as one of the more memorable monsters – in Doctor Who.